So then, I drove my lovely hour drive thru the farms of bumblefuck to get to work.
Normally, its freezing in this damn office, but thanks to global warming, I was able to wear one of the new tshirts I got at Wal Mart yesterday. One of my well-off (cuz she lived w/ her parents for evaaaaa, and pocketed her entire paycheck for years) friends claims that Wal Mart has 'shit clothes'. So does Target, and JC Penney and wherever else except Loehmans. Well I personally think Loehmann's clothes are shit too! They're all spandex! Only the suits are really of any quality. Anyway, I do agree partially that these stores CAN carry shit clothes, but you have to know what to look for. I don't wear spandex/nylon clothes. These cheapie stores have 100% cotton clothes sometimes for a good price, so if i see em, I grab em. I saw $5 long tshirts at Wal Mart in diff colors, so I grabbed 3 and one tank top. They're 100% cotton. I needed long sleeved stuff but couldn't find anything made from a decent fabric. Plus I don't have that much of a budget for clothes. $20 for 4 shirts is good and is much needed. I don't know how long this 'spring' will last, but hopefully it'll happen frequently enuff since most of my clothes ARE short sleeved!!! I really do miss shopping tho'! For clothes, accessories, purses and Ikea stuff =(. Much of what you see here in my living room, accessories, circle n' square mirrors behind the tv, furniture and rugs are from Ikea. I love that store!!! (Note - My living room has since been updated, but this was how it was this sumer. Hence the lovely AC in the window)

Today we have yet another auditor. Kentucky Chuck. Along w/ Billy the Babyfaced Auditor. Chuck is friendly, yet speaks at 1/2 the speed that I do, and answers w/ long "Yeeeeeee-ep"s. Billy doesn't talk to me at all. He's friendly w/ the employee who hates me, so by default I guess he hates me too! =( Eh its ok, really! I'll live! I can't imagine doing that job. Ugh so tedious. I really hope they get paid well. They flew in from KY for this.
For lunch I had Chicken Tikka (indian food). Iheart!! I gotta learn how to make it! I gotta stop spending money like this but i've been so lazy! I think I'm finally over that stomach bug. It lingered but it was definitely very mild compared to what other ppl got. Today my nose started to run. Great. Is this phase two of the virus, or a different cold? I feel ok now tho'. Just will take it easy and hope to fight it off if it decides to come back. I'm kinda hopng its allergies from our springy weather and not a cold. Cuz I feel fine.

This is getting boring. Even I'M bored writing it. 1hr 1/2 left here, then off to Chop Rite to return a spice (no, I still haven't done it!), then hopefully get a lil' sea air on the boardwalk, then in to watch Top Chef! Deelish!
I'mma pack my knives..........and GO!
I miss your neighborhood and the beach. it was so relaxing there...not like this shit town.
ReplyDeleteI definitely have to visit in the summer.
I love Walmart, but I'm convinced that I'm allergic to it. EVERY TIME I go there, I get nauseous and have to sit down or go out for air. it's so weird. I was told that it had something to do with Walmart being evil. evil or not, they have the cheapest prices on cleaning supplies, cat food and grocery shit.
I hate when auditors come to my job because that's when ppl start running around trying to cover their asses and put the blame on me for everything. I hate my job.