Monday, February 9, 2009

1st Blog!

Yay! My first real, official BLOG! I've blogged on MySpace, and tried to on Facebook before, but after reading Preci's blog, I have been inspired to start one of my own.

This blog will kinda be bullshit since it's my first and I didn't really prepare anything to say.

I'm sitting at my temp grind right now. I hope I can make this private so that my co workers can't stumble upon this, otherwise that'd take away all the fun! I am bored shitless, cold and tired. I had that stupid stomach bug that's been going around, still thankful for the mild version that I got, but I'm starting to feel a little eh-y again. All I wants ta do is get the F up outta here, go to CVS and buy a sleeping pill box (no insurance, kiddies ya hear?), since CVS has the best sleep aids, possibly eat dinner, but possibly not and go HOME! My weekend was pretty blah. I didn't leave the house all! I was gonna but my plans were cancelled so it wasn't my faultcita! I did however, save alotta money from not going out and I didn't have to add the customary $10 to my gas tank per weekend that I usually do.

Ahhhh 15 min left til I can leave. I wish I had something funny to say. I entered a contest from my agency, asking us to tell the best or worst temping stories. Since I've temped alot in my life, I had a few. The prize is 100 dolla. I could use the money for the Greece fund, or Nursing School fund. Either or.

We have auditors here today. The guy looks like my lil' brother! Well not really but he has a baby face. He said he'll be here til about 9 tonight. Wow.... I guess he wants to be a CPA too or something cuz I know someone who's about to endure auditing hell for that very reason. But til 9pm?! Eeeek. Well happy auditing young fella! At 9pm, i'll probably be watching some reality show or asleep on the couch. But babyface over here will probably surpass me greatly in income too in a few years. I don't know what CPAs make. But whatevs. i'll be sticking old ppl and cranky children w/ needles by then.

I bought some new piccolo music today! This piece called Mosaic. i'm almost done w/ Vivaldi's Concerto in C Major (Mvmts 2 and 3) and will probably 'perform' them soon, as requested by a few friends. Most of my friends never heard me play and only know me as the dumb brunette chick w/ big boobs. I wanna show ppl I'm actually good at something (actually alot of things) altho' it isn't anything academic. I can also draw, cook, ice skate, swim, and do make up...kinda. Anyway I def want ppl to see me as more than just 'the dumb chick', so altho' playing a few intruments doesn't make you NOT dumb, it kinda takes the focus off the fact that I can't do algebra, or divide or come up w/ business solutions to business problems. Ugh. I'm so glad that AMA class is over with! Thats why I wanna do nursing. I am interested in Medicine (probably cuz i'm a hypochondriac!) . I was sent to business classes w/ my last job (a pharma co.) but boyyyyy did I struggle!!!!

Ok that killed enuff time. Gonna go finish up, and start on my hour trek back home and do something that actually encourages brain activity, rather than where I'm at, where all I do is veg and skim Facebook all day. Ciaocito!


  1. Who thinks you are a dumb brunette with big boobs ? I'll beat them up !! I think you are pretty smart, although you have a point on the brunette w/ big boobs part, sorry ! (I can relate as I am also a brunette w/ ginormous knockers !) hehe. I'm so pyched you are blogging ! I used to LOVE your posts/stories on the marcaboard !!

  2. u girls are A cups compared to me. hush!!

    cheap wine is my sleeping aid of choice unless someone gets me some more vicodin.
