This isn't a spoiler, so anyone who hasn't seen the movie could read this if they want to. I'll be as vague as I can.....for now!
I was so excited to see this movie and it was soooo worth the wait. I dressed up in my fedora, all black, and a jeweled glove. I gave my friend the other glove and I saw a few other people dressed up MJ-like. They were all cheering and saying we're gonna love it.
It was so cool seeing the backstage-ness during the tour. You got to see MJ mess up, make excuses for WHY he messed up, his "duh" moments, interviews w/ people who worked on the production, MJ in his pjs rehearsing, and the movies that were gonna be played with the songs when the show would've been performed. The movie was so funny! I've heard Michael was pretty funny offstage, and this movie shows it.
The people in our theatre danced, sang, cheered, yelled out "Go'on Michael!", clapped etc. I like an interactive crowd! It was sooo fun! I wish I could freakin 'see it again! I will be first in line to buy it! I hope the DVD has more footage on it. It was 2hrs but I wanted more, damnit!
My fave part was when the Smooth Criminal rehearsal was on, and MJ was supposed to do something on cue. He missed it. Kenny Ortega the director was like "Are we misunderstanding something? That was the cue" MJ said "I wanna cue it!" Kenny then asked, "Michael, how are you gonna see when the screen behind you changes from (something) to (the other thing)?" Michael, serious, pauses for a minute and says "I can feel it...I'll feel it." Never cracking a smile. LMAO Thats all I'll say. So much else to talk about! Must contain self!
It was also sad in a way. Seeing this movie reminded me why I love MJ so much. I grew up w/ his music, as we all did. Seeing his personality, since he never talks much during concerts. Its sad to know that this person is no longer with us and we'll never get to see this again =(. I am so grateful I got to see him in concert. It was the most high energy, fun concert I have ever been to. I went with my friend Christina, and I bought tix off eBay for 200 dolla. I met a stranger on a NY streetcorner near my job, hoping the tix were real. They were thank god! I rememember fake Michaels walking around Madison SqGarden and how insane the fans acted cuz they looked alot like the real Michael! I remember the Jackson 5, the Billie Jean dance, jumping and singing and dancing and having the best time ever! I will never forget that moment when I was 21yrs old. My first, last and ONLY time seeing Michael Jackson in concert. In the movie I saw glimpses of the OLD MJ. He looks pretty good there actually. I used to have a huge crush on MJ in 1987 in the BAD years. I still saw a lil' of that him tonight. He moved really good and sang really good for 50yrs old. I could only imagine what he could have done, had Dr Murray not injected him with tons of SHIT that night =(
RIP Michael.... its just not sinking in that you're gone.
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