Next year the Olympics are gonna be on our continent! They'll be in Vancouver! I know this, and yet my dumb ass and last minuteness has fucked me yet again. I was just looking at the ticketing site for the Olympics and the events I want to see are SOLD the fuck out! I can't say I blame anyone but myself. I should have gotten on this last year! Going to the Olympics is far from cheap and I'd really need a good paying job to do this. I don't have that still, although I thought I would by now. Soooo short of a miracle, I will not be attending the 2010 Olympic Games. But I want to make it a POINT to attend the 2014 games, wherever they may be. I'm pretty sure I'll be a working Nurse or worst case, working in Finance or Pharma again if all else fails. I'll also be 34 years old during those games, and vow to do it before I die! Well, as long as the world doesn't end in 2012 like they say it will. Otherewise, I'm gonna die at 32 =(.

I don't know how long the drive is to Lake Placid, but I really wanna enjoy my life to the fullest now. I have this inkling time is very limited. My motto is ''live like you're gonna die tomorrow''. I try to. Money usually holds me back. Somtehing held in NY is much easier to coordinate, than going to Vancouver. Also the flight to vancouver is ridic. No direct flights! Was not thrilled about that. I wonder who the contenders are for the 2014 Games. I know Rio just won the 2012 Games (Summer). Only the winter games really matter to me. I can' watch the summer games on tv. I only watch gymnastics, and diving.
I'm adding another mission to my many missions at present: Heather 2014!! Anyone who's remotely interested in a trip (I'm sure we'll all have jobs by then!) Holla and make your interest known!
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