So as some of you may know, I am at yet ANOTHER menial, bullshit, temp assignment! I just wanted to make some extra cash that I can keep, so a low paying part time one was the only way to [legally] do it. I was told about a 2wk assignment. Ok fine. I interview, the guy liked me (apparently the schmuck only interviewed me and noone else). Then I am told its temp to perm. The salary is ridiculously low. I never made so little money even in my first job with no office experience. I would be evicted within a month if I went perm on this job w/ out the aid of Unemployment. And I'd have to quit school, to work a second job which I don't want to do. So I never would've consented to a temp to perm unless it was a GOOD PAYING JOB. Uhhhh ... Whats that again? *scratches head*. Something that just existed many moons ago, apparently. Every available job Iv'e seen advertised is SHIT PAY. But this one takes the cake. They tried to negotiate the salary up but the guy refused. The temp agency has tried to trap me in this assignment. Why am I able to be trapped? I need the money! Its always about money. This one thing that makes our whole world go round. The one thing that makes people kill eachother, and lie, and cheat for it. Money. Gotta love it. So good yet so evil.
So I said I could do 2wks. Then I was told they need me longer. I said I would not go perm. Not at that salary. Its not worth me dropping out of NURSING SCHOOL of all things for a low paying bullshit temp job. I said I'd only do it if the job paid 40K and up so I'd live comfortably. If i have to struggle, then NO. I'd rather ride out my UE as far as it will stretch to come out at the other end with a LPN or an RN. Still waiting on entering nursing prog at bother Brookdale and Middlesex Co Vo Tech. I will find out soon. Very soon. I hope I passed my test. I am still worried about the math. I can read and I can write. And I can also spell! Woohoo! But math... even though I studied, I wasn't so sure.
SO ANYWAY.... The temp agency begged and pleaded with me to stay longer than two weeks. I still asserted that I would NOT go fulltime. She said just take it week by week. Yeah right. This agency hasn't had a work order in weeks apparently. They get commission when I temp. So they're all relying on me for that commission check. I am not allowed to leave a temp job unless I have another lined up before my UE term ends. I am not sure when I am gonna exhaust my claim. I have 2 extensions and I may just go right into them as opposed to filing new claim(like I did last year) cuz the extensions will be at the same pay rate. My new claim will likely be $300ish a week which is gonna be rough to make it on. Trying to make as much as possible right now. The pay I get from temping is so low that I actually LEGITIMATLY can receive UE while I temp. I am allowed to work 1/2 days Weds and Thurs for classes. Then I have my other night and Sat classes. Temping right now will benefit me cuz I think...I will let'cha know.... that I make out $100/wk richer than on UE. Which makes me go =) !!!
I show up to my assignment today at 9. Thats the time I was told to come. Noone was there. I sat with the receptionist for an hour. Noone came. I was on twitter and facebook. Nothing interesting. I emailed temp agency telling them that noone was here. They were puzzled. I didn't drive all the way up here for nothign tho'! this shit uses alot of gas! So I was gona stay and make some (hahah I have to laugh cuz the "some" in this equasion is so low it'd probably be like $20 IF THAT for today) money.
At 10am the boss showed up. HE's an old man and he was nice during the inteview but came in w/ a chip on his shoulder. He asked me why I wasn't in the office working. I looked at him like he was dressed in drag. WTF?! Noone was here. He said he left work for me. Ummmmm. noone was in the office.... The door tot he office was unlocked but it was dark and I didn't go in there cuz I thought it wasn't right to being that I dont' work there. I could see it was gonna be a great day. I went to my station and the whole office is filthy. Dusty , dirty, crusty shit on the phones, the chair seat linig was ripped and i was sitting on egg crate material . The bathroom was so disgusting that I actually picked up a bottle of Lysol Bathroom Cleaner and cleaned the toilet seat myself!!!! So disgusting!!! Ugh!
I was given work to do and not told where to find the documents in question. Not told where the references were. I was to make phone calls asking if dealers will buy used electronic parts, not knowing what parts they were or were they opened and uninstalled or were they in the box (that was a common question i got from ppl on the phone). I asked the boss who just said to ask if they buy parts. I don't knwo the model numbers. Well how the FUCK am I supposed to know them?! Am i supposed to be some kinda super temp?! Oh hold on, lemme don my T Shirt!

The phone rang and I saw a receptionist so I didn't think I was supposed to answer the phone. The boss said to answer it. I asked him how the phoen should be answered. I didn't know the name of the company. WAs never told. I was just given a name and addy in my temp interview. He walked off and picked up a call on his cell. The woman on the business phone asked for him and when he wasn't avail, she asked for voicemail. I was never shown how to transfer to voicemail. Every system is different. This was an old ass phone from the 90s or so. The other one employee, this guy from Africa whos really nice and helpful told me that there IS no voicemail. WTF? I have to take a message the old fashioned way. Um ok. Later I had to email a job app to some electronic technicians looking for work. I'd assume there was an electronic copy. No siree! It was a cheaply copied paper form that had to be scanned. The scanner was an old one that only took one page at a time and made each page into its own file. The email client did not have a BCC field so all the ppl had to see who else was getting the mail. Boss didn't seem to care so, the hell if I do! lol He told me tojust send it together. *shrug*.
Then he said he wanted a copy of everything. The email, and the job app and the sheet of names. Um. its in your outbox. So I sent the email to HIM (boss) and CC'd the other people. There you have it. As far as a copy, there scan I used WAS a copy. When i interviewed he tested me to see if I was competent. I assume I was.... lol. He had me scan a 20pg doc and had me retype a word doc into an email. He didnt want me to cut n' paste. I retyped and he asked for a copy. But there already WAS a copy as a word doc and the electronic word doc. I had to make copies of the 20pgs i scanned too even tho the scan was printed off of an elec copy and I sent a NEW elec copy. He wanted to see the whole thing that was sent out. Most people would just ask that the email be fwded to them so they can see for themself. This guy wanted copies so he wouldn't lose the orig emails. Just for shits n' giggles. Judging by his age, the condition of the office, lack of technology, he is def still livin' in the 1960s or something. so much unnecessary shit work.
In the 2 hours that I actually worked ... since HE was an hour late...... I didn't get to do much. 30 min before I left, I went to the bathroom (and had to clean it prior to using it). When I came out, he was gone. The other employee was gone. I was alone there and noone said anything. I called the agency to tell them i'm leaving at 12:30 for class just incase he tried to bullshit the time and claim i left at 12, when i didn't. Oh not that I'll make that much more money. Actually now that I think about it, who cares what time I left? Cuz I really ain't making SHIT at this job. LAst weeks temping (i worked on the interview) adn this weeks just about covers the GAS MONEY to get there. I am shaking my head and asking myself why in the HELL I took this job. But again. I need the shit money. Next week when I work a semi full week it'll be some nice spending money to make life a lil' easier. I just hate that I get these low paying shit jobs, and am treated like a fucking idiot.
The days when I had a good respectable job, with good pay, and treated like one of the fam seem to be so far behind me. These past few years w/ the economy and switching jobs I've mostly temped now. Mostly been the one who gets the shit work like counting the words on a piece of paper. YES I really did have to do that once! ALso counting small little pencils that were in a huge box. *bangs head against wall*.
My road to becoming a nurse is a long and hard one. But I hope it all happens. I'm still waiting on 2 diff results to find out which path I take next. and I have to figure out how to get outta this temp job, or get into another one with an END DATE before my UE is up. So thats some homework for myself. Gotta go to the UE office and have a chat w/ Patrick. I <3 Patrick. I really do!!! He got me $ I never would've gotten otherwise by just changing a DATE in the computer! I <<<<<<<<333333333 Him!!! Ok anyway, those of you who are employed, are not ashamed of waht you do, can make ends meet and still go shopping w/ the chicas on saturday afternoon. I envy thee! I really do. You dont know how good you have it.
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