So I'm at a new temp assignment, and it never fails to be an interesting experience. I have temped over 30 times since getting laid off, and usually I get the shittiest, most menial jobs you could imagine. I've had some good ones, but the good ones are few and far between. My most recent one is as a rental agent for an apartment complex. The complex is run down, and shitty. I was told I would be in the "rental office", which I assumed was an actual office. I was supposed to start Monday, and I arrived at the location and parked by the rental office sign. The apartment closest to it looked like it was occupied because the bathroom window (tiny window - it's usualy the bathroom) had shampoo bottles on the windowsill. The back door had 2 cats looking out at me. It looked like someone LIVED there. I didn't want to knock on the door at 9am to someone's personal apt. I waited to see if one of the sales people from the realty group would come. Noone did.
I waited until 9:30, and called the temp agency. With this particular agency, the last time I worked with them, I was sent somewhere and I waited an hour for the person to come! He either totally forgot I was coming, or just didn't give a shit. Either way.... Alot of temp agencies are scatterbrained and this one is one of them! Acutally lemme give a little back story about this...
I interviewed for this job 2 weeks ago. I was told the same day that I got the job. I was told by the temp agency that they'd let me know about my start date. Days passed, and I heard nothing. By Friday, I still had no news, so I called them again asking when I start. The woman said I start on Monday. Well.............it'd be nice to LET ME KNOW THIS!!! She asked if anyone called me to tell me, and I said no. So that leaves us where I left off: me sitting there not sure where to go, or who to meet.
The agency (on my first day), tells me they don't know who I'm supposed to be working with, if anyone, and where I should go. The recruiter said she was going to call the company to find out. This should've been done before I started. 30 min later, they call me back, and say noone is coming. The phones aren't set up yet and I should just go home. Great... I had a court date to fight another bogus parking ticket that day and could've been productive and done THAT! I took my ass home and went back to bed. I was told I would be starting on Wed.
So TUESDAY, they call me saying I need to go to another location to "cross train" with someone. I love how they make it sound so important. Lets just say, I went to the location and sat in the sales office staring at the pool for 1hr, then was brought over to this property and left here. Cross training my ass. I just drove 40 min out of my way to be escorted back here. What a waste of gas. I'm practically on E right now, and broker than hell.
So I'm left at the "office" which is an unoccupied apartment with no phone, no fax, no desk, no fridge, no soap in the bathroom, no toilet paper, ants (big ones!) running around, dirty windows and floors and rented furniture (couch table and loveseat) for me to sit on. Um ok.... I was told theres internet, but no computer and no cord. My first day after I was left there I sat there.... staring at the wall and thinking all day until a woman came to look at the apts. The apts are shitty. The rents are reasonable but sadly I dont even meet the income requirements anymore to even live here (not that I'd want to). I broguth my own laptop and a box full of dvds. My internet (I'm stealing wifi from other tenants) fades in and out and it's frustrating. I asked the office if they could bring me a long ethernet cable, and the girl had no idea what it even was. The service provider is Verizon Fios here. I guess they use ethernet. The connection supposedly is in the wall. No modem. Assuming it even works. I have no fridge here and have to buy 4 bottles of water a day and by the end of the day they're warm. Gotta start freezing them. The tap water taste like runoff from a chemical plant *blegh* and I'm out of Kangen water and have no time to get any from Toms River. I think a place in Avon should be selling it by now. I hope so anyway! THat water (antioxident, alkalinized water) has really been working for me full force now. I hate to be off it.
Back to the topic...
Its from seeing these apts, that makes me realize how good I have it in Ocean Grove. My apt is NYC sized (post war sized). Tiny. But in good condition. Nothing is falling apart. Everything works. No bugs. Clean. And my rent is $100 lower than this joint. I have a smaller living room and bedroom but I live a block from the ocean. This place is on a back bay of the Navesink. I am really grateful for the good deal I have. And once I get a job and get back into normal people mode again, I'd like to upgrade to a place w/ a bigger living room,dining area (for dinner parties), and a terrace with an ocean view. But based on the economy, thats still years away.
My cruise is like 12 days away now! I can't wait to get the FUCK out of here! I don't have much money at all these days (temping should help me have some spending money), but I am determined to enjoy these 4 glorious days at sea. I want to swim, eat, come back 10lbs heavier (well, I don't WANT to be 10lb heavier but we all know I will be!), tan, explore, get dressed up, see shows and be entertained like the princess that I am, and did I mention eat? I get paid right before the cruise sets sail, so I want to buy a new rolling suitcase and get a mani/pedi and maybe a nice evening dress.....who am I kidding? Can I really afford that on what I'm making now? I dunno.... I have a white dress that is shorter that could be 'eveningish'. I can make myself look like I have alot of money. Even though that couldn't be further from the truth. I did ok before the economic collapse. I forgot what its like to shop. Anyway, this cruise is right before my 30th birthday so its a nice present to myself. I just hope its sunny, warm, and non humid for the trip.
American Idol is one of the nation's most popular shows. I watched it once. It was even my favorite show the first season. Ya know, the one that made Kelly Clarkson a stah? But after that, it got so repetative and boring that I got sick of it. I caught episodes here and there, but didn't watch it much at all. I mostly heard about the contestants on shows like Access Hollywood and Extra. Last night was the season finale. I didn't know that since I don't watch it, but I saw a blip on facebook from Daryl Hall's fanpage (from Hall & Oates : think "whoa-oh here she comes....watch out boy, she'll chew you up....whoa-oh here she comes....she's a maneater). Know who I mean now? K good! Yeah Daryl or his webperson....whoever that is said to watch American Idol *wink wink*,so reluctantly I agreed. I hoped his ass would be on!
So for those who don't know, I go thru stages of artist obsession (not really obsession but you know what I mean). All the old artists from the 80s I grew up with, I suddenly re-discover and listen to their music constantly. I did it with Michael Jackson after he died, then Debbie Gibson, and now Hall and Oates. I never really noticed how cute Daryl hall was......WAS! He's 63 now and WAYYYY too old even for moi, even though Kristina, Yaas and Preci are gonna say otherwise. But in the 70s and 80s mannnnnn..........hahaha! Dont' get me wrong, he looks good for his age though. So Hall and Oates WERE on American Idol. All the male contestants sang Maneater, I can't go for that and I forget what else. Then Hall & Oates came out singing You Make My Dreams Come True. Not my fave song. But hey it was nice seeing them. I've been watching Live From Daryl's House lately. Its like a show every month. I love it. But yeah Daryl Hall.........I luv him! *sigh* I was watching old vids and live shows from when he was young yesterday. haha.

So after Hall and Oates, I changed the channel cuz I did not want to see that SHIT on my tv (American Idol) any more than I had to. Then I get a BBM from Kristina telling me Bret Michaels was on! Bret just had a brain hemmorage, stroke , hole in his heart, and before allt hat, an emerg appendectomy) Poor guy =(. He just won the Celebrity Apprentice and then low and behold he was signing on American Idol. I 
I made some progress with the Heather vs Monmouth Medical situation. I had a few issues lately and being hypochondriac that I am (I always think I'm dying of some disease or another), I went to the ER but for good reason this time. Another issue was discovered in the process. I tried to get it checked out but because I'm unisured, I hit roadblock after roadblock of trying to get to a Dr. I go to the county clinic which I DO NOT recommend unless you're desperate like me (they're hte only one's who'll see uninsured people) and I was given the runaround. I need a referral to go to another clinic to check out the issue and the Dr at the clinic kept wanting me to come back numerous times and pay just to chat with her. Then she wants more tests done after I was in the ER, got billed $1800, and was told I need to see a [given specialist]. Then my calls to the clinic went unreturned for weeks and I was getting really pissed off. I was put on blood pressure pills after ER visit cuz I was super super stressed over money mostly. Nothing short of finding a job will fix that. But they made me so weak that I couldn't really get off the couch or even walk. I almost fell a few times too. My bp reading was lower OFF the medication than on it. Plus I've calmed down stresswise since I'm temping now and will be making a lil' extra cash. Its all related to money. Some drs dont think I should be on it cuz my bp ranges from 130/80 (lately which is kind of high but not TOO bad) to astronomically off the charts when I'm fighting my daily poor person battles.

I made some progress with the Heather vs Monmouth Medical situation. I had a few issues lately and being hypochondriac that I am (I always think I'm dying of some disease or another), I went to the ER but for good reason this time. Another issue was discovered in the process. I tried to get it checked out but because I'm unisured, I hit roadblock after roadblock of trying to get to a Dr. I go to the county clinic which I DO NOT recommend unless you're desperate like me (they're hte only one's who'll see uninsured people) and I was given the runaround. I need a referral to go to another clinic to check out the issue and the Dr at the clinic kept wanting me to come back numerous times and pay just to chat with her. Then she wants more tests done after I was in the ER, got billed $1800, and was told I need to see a [given specialist]. Then my calls to the clinic went unreturned for weeks and I was getting really pissed off. I was put on blood pressure pills after ER visit cuz I was super super stressed over money mostly. Nothing short of finding a job will fix that. But they made me so weak that I couldn't really get off the couch or even walk. I almost fell a few times too. My bp reading was lower OFF the medication than on it. Plus I've calmed down stresswise since I'm temping now and will be making a lil' extra cash. Its all related to money. Some drs dont think I should be on it cuz my bp ranges from 130/80 (lately which is kind of high but not TOO bad) to astronomically off the charts when I'm fighting my daily poor person battles.
So anyway the clinic Dr called this morning. She wont give me a referral to [specialist] cuz i'm on charity care and you basically have to be fucking dying to be covered. So I have to get one more test done. She said the issue could really be stress related and nothing major. A few friends I've talked to have had this issue too and were told it was common and minor so.......we'll see!
This is the longest I've been on the internet at this temp job without the wifi dropping me. My boss (a hasidic jew named Ari) haha is supposedly on his way over here. Why I don't know. I hope they see the condition of this place and bring me an ethernet cord, soap for the bathroom, toilet paper (i brought MY OWN here) and put in a working fridge so I can have access to COLD water. Noone has come to see apts after Tuesday. I wonder why! The ants in this apt dont help. I just hope none of them hitch a ride home in my bag! Writing this killed some time. Its 12. I take lunch at 1pm. Dunno what I'm gonna do today cuz I'm supa broke. I can buy something off the dollar menu I guess. YUM. *roll eyes*. I hate fast food. =p
I'll prob write again after my cruise or if something remotely interesting happens before then. Or if something pisses me off and I want to vent. (Ha!) Like that doesn't happen every second of every day.
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