1. What did you eat for breakfast?
The company I'm at now bought bagels but we were told that temps cant' partake in bagel day but I took a bagel anyway! Noone saw.
2. What about lunch?
protein bar.
3. Dinner?
Dry Whole wheat Total cereal. Wow I had no meat today!
4. Did you go anywhere today?
Temp assign, and Shop Rite for Worcestershire sauce.
5. What color is your car?
6. Do you live in the city/country?
Ummmmm city kinda. I mean the jersey shore is very developed. Definitely not country. I temp in the country though and I HATE it!
7. What is bothering you at this very moment?
My eyes are itchy, watery, and my nose is running from this damn pollen!
8. Name somethings you always HAVE to have at your house.
Febreze (there are 2 chain smokers - one across the hall and one downstairs). I'm sick of breathing in ALL this crap but, rather breathe febreeze than smoke. I like to have basil in my house - the live plant - i've been meaning to plant some since my kitchen has light all day. Gotta get on that. Also Cucumber soap. I bought a huge value pack of it when I still had money.
9. What's your fave restauarant?
Siam Basil for takeout. I dont' really get to go out to eat too much. Its mostly takeout. I like the indian buffet too in Ocean. But its nothing special decor wise but the all u can eat buffet is the shit!
10.What's your fave genre of food?
11. What's your least?
Mexican, Seafood (I wont even eat seafood), Sushi
12. What time do you go to bed?
Lately 11 or 12ish, which is too late with the schedule I have. Ive been getting 6/7hrs a night all week and I'm DEAD right now.
13. How's the nightlife in your town?
HA! OG is not the place to go for night life! But the next town over has alot of restaurants and lounges/bars, and so does Belmar. OG is quiet. I dn't wanna live in a bar town. I can walk at night w/ no worries here.
14. Furthest place you've traveled?
Barcelona, Spain
15. Any vacations?
Going to St. John in June. Glad I was able to buy the tix 2 mo ago! I def couldn't afford it now!
16. Addictions?
Carvel Ice cream cake.
17. Drugs?
I don't believe in drugs unless there's a valid reason to take them.
18. Some of your hobbies?
Ice skating, cooking, artistic makeup, swimming, kayaking, watersports, outdoor activities, performing (instrumental), and interior design.
19. Best compliment you've received?
That my friends think I'm a good cook and liked my food.
20. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Here, just a bigger house, ocean front, no smokers in sight, w/ a winter pent house in Miami Beach.
21. Is anything on you (body parts) fake?
Just eyelashes.... only for concerts n' special occasions though.
22. Tattoos/piercings?
I had a belly ring, but I lost 20lbs after I got it (the flu.......figures) and the ring had to come out cuz there was barely any skin holding the ring on. I have a tattoo on my back. Want another one but finding a place is difficult. Since I'm heavier now. I'm hesitant cuz I htink I willl lose weight this yr cuz of money and lack of luxurious food items from here on out. Eh we'll wait n see. I wnat some kind of words in a place I can hide of course.
23. What do you see to your left?
A lamp, fake plant, glass of agua, blackberry.
24. What are you watching on tv?
Nothing much. I'm concentrating on doing this lovely teen written survey to kill time til the ghost stuff is on at 1am! I love ghost programs. I'm not a believer tho'. But i like to watch.
25. Time period you'd like to go back to/experience?
The 1940s. I liked the hair styles, and the nightlife in NYC back then. I would've liked to have seen it in person.
26. What kind of sheets do you have?
White damask stripe. Got em from my Macys shopping spree that Rachael Ray gave us for Xmas!
27. Do you have a flat screen tv?
Nope =( Wanted one but i am still unemployed so... that'll be a purchase once I'm employed at a decent paying job again. It'd prob go in the living room tho'. I want a samsung 40" !
28. Name a place in this country you've never been to.
29. Do you eat pork?
30. Go to church regularly?
HA! No. Only for funerals. Church is boring and such bullshit. The dead Jesus statues disturb me.
31. Do you have any pets?
No. I love animals but always end up in pet-free apts cuz the rent is lower. I hope I can at least get a cat someday but I like big dogs. German Shepherds.
32. What do you see out the nearest window?
The bed n' breakfast 2 houses away. Not much of a view in this apt. But it gets sun all day. The best view is on the porch. You can see the ocean and boardwalk.
33. Do you have bunkbeds?
34. Like anyone?
Eh, this Doctor, is always eye candy, and ther was frmr marine at my last temp job (he wasn't a temp) but I'm not there anymore.
35. What kind of cell phone do you have?
36. Favorite perfume/cologne?
I still love gucci rush! I also like Chanel Chance and Mademoiselle. I should've bought some when I still had $. I guess I missed out on that. I have Malaia perfume from Hollister and 2 victoria secret perfumes to use for now.
37. How do you like your coffee?
Don't do coffee. Used to do soda instead in the mornigs, but altely its too sugary for me. I still drink it but just once in a while. Always from a CAN (it tastes better)
38. Longest car ride?
I dont DO long rides.
39. Longest bus ride?
8hr from Barcelona to Madrid. My friend and I took ambiens tho' and slept thru the whole trip. IT was funny cuz we stopped at a service area which wasn't like our service areas here in the US. It was just a wooden structure and they only sold baked stuff like pastries at the place. No BK, noRoy Rogers =(. We were so sleepy and we could hardly walk straight. I dont know why we even got off the bus at the service area.
40. Any fake teeth?
I have one cap. I had a root canal 2yrs ago right when i lost my job. My dad had to pay for it and he was PISSED! All my other teef are real.
41. Almost over! Are you relieved?
Eh, whatever. The ghost show isn't on yet.
42. Latest gadgets?
I got a GPS from my Macys spree. I really don't NEED one. I have a pretty good sense of direction, but I like to LOOK at it (it was free so who cares!!!) Its nice to have it tho' for the few times I went somewhere new. I dont htink Iv'e gotten any new gadgets lately but I love gadgets! I had the GPS since xmas tho'. Not really that new.
43. When you go out, what do you rock?
Jewelery, and some kinda makeup. I like makeup artestry and fake eyelashes too
44. What school do you go to?
THe local community college. I think I'll be there FOREVER. I really don't like going to school.
45. How would you categorize yourself?
Jock, nerd, prep, goth, hippy, badass, barbie, hipster?
Ummmm probably part barbie, part badass.
46. What is something you like to watch on tv?
Intervention, Hoarders, Celebrity Rehab (or whatever show Dr Drew is doing these days), True Life, House Hunters, Divine Design, Ghost Hunters
47. How many mirrors in your house?
Casa de Heather is FULL o mirrors! Not cuz I'm vain, but I have a circle/square pattern of lil' mirrors in my living room. I dont know how many there are, and aI have a huge one in my room.
48. What are you doing this weekend?
Making up a quiz (again), going to Psychology class, Garden State Philharmonic concert, then Sunday, hopefully not much (hope to get outside for ONCE!)
49. How far are you from the ocean?
Like 60 seconds (walking)
50. What are you doing now?
Laying in bed w/ the laptop. But my ghost show is on! Good timing! I'll watch the ghost thing til I fall asleep. I can sleep til12 tomorrow! *relief*
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