Uncorked was my own thing. Instead of uncovered. I'm staring at a bottle of wine that I have on my shelf (for decoration). Different spin on things... If you think the ER visit is only $800 like I did (lol @ only), think again! I went to the hospital finance office to apply for charity care, when the woman broke down my whole bill. I was SHOCKED at the true costs of an ER visit. Read on...
I have been having strange stomach pains for weeks. It mimicked ya know....female cramps, but i never get those! So I knew something was really weird. At first, I dismissed it thinking maybe this once I am getting cramps. But as time went on the cramping felt worse, like a pinching pain. Like something inside me was being pinched really hard.
Since I'm still unemployed and poor, I had to go to the poor people clinic in Long Branch. I was the only non mexican person there, as usual. I get stared at like "why are YOU here" by the mexican women with their 6 kids running rampantly around the waiting room, and its not a fun place to go to because of the hour plus waits (even with an appointment). When I finally saw the Dr (who looked like a high school student), she didn't know what was wrong w/ me. What a suprise! She didnt have the handy dandy diagnosing computer that the LAST ER doc used to diagnose me last summer w/ a skin infection. Shit, Can I be a Doctor too? Anyway, the Dr sent me to the hospital for an ultrasound. I dont know why she couldnt send me to the poor people obgyn clinic for this (would've only cost me $20). They claim its booked up til Dec. Well wouldn't this be an emerg? No. Pregant mexican women (probably on their 7th or 8th kid by now) are the priority there. Although those are my words, not hers. lol.
My appt was 3 wks into the future. Before I started college (YES i know I'm old. I'm going back for nursing), the abominal pain got worse to a stabbing kind of pain. I decided to go to the ER because if it was something serious, i had time to drop my classes and maybe do online classes. I had to know before school started. My appt was well after the add/drop deadline. I went and they were of couse thrilled by my insurancelessness, and was told to wait. Surprisingly, I was taken in right away. I got a room with a bed instantly and I saw the $$$s start adding up. I did not want to rack up TOO much more medical debt from this but know its kinda inevitable. I was trying to be a frugalista about it. In the end, I found out what was wrong w/ me. Something that should cure itself. It hasnt at press time though. When I went in to apply for Charity Care yesterday with all my documents, the financial svcs girl told me that my bill was not $1900 like I was told (thru bills sent to my house..and they were sent QUICK!!!), but $8000. Yes you read that right. $8000.
I went to the ER at a different hospital last year. My bill was $800 and change. Yes thats 2 zeros. Eight Hundred. So how is this one Eight THOUSAND?! Well here goes...
Just to walk in the ER at this hospital costs $1076. (wtf?!) Had I known, I wouldve gone to a ghetto hospital. Maybe it'd be cheaper.
Having the bed and the room cost $ although I don't remember all the costs.
Getting blood drawn costs money. I had a cholesterol/sugar/liver functions/thyroid/gastrointestinal functions check. That cost $1200 and change.

Now, I didn't NEED a cholesterol/sugar/thyroid check. I know its routine but on someone w/ no ins who just GOT these tests done for school a month bfore (and this hospital can SEE the results cuz i had it done there) I didnt need em AGAIN! Is anything really gonna change. Just test the stomach stuff then!!!
Then theres the PEE. I pee for free everyday! Well that day it cost heavily to pee. Dont take peeing for granted, now!!!! Everyone who enters the ER must pee!!! Unless you physically can't I guess. Your pee gets tested for kidney issues, and pregnancy. The kidney portion of the pee test was $1087!!!

Then theres the routine pregnancy test. That cost $200 something dollars. I could've bought a First Response for that rate, OR if you're gonna give me an ultrasound ANYWAY, I'm pretty sure you'd see a baby if I was pregnant.

Later on I got an IV. I didn't want the IV. One thing we learned in our first nursing class was that a patient has a right to refuse any treatment. I planned to EXERCISE that right! I told the nurse I do not want the IV. I didn't know it cost what it cost. But I didn't need it. I was not dehydrated, and I had a huge bottle of water WITH me in the room cuz I didn't know how long I'd be in the hospital. She says everyone gets an IV. Great! Another needle in my vein, swollen fingers on that hand, and a nuisence of wheeling the pole w/ me wherever I go. >=/.
The IV by the way, cost over $1000.

That shocked me! I was livid! I told the lady "I didn't even WANT the IV!!!!" The lady (finance lady) agreed w/ my views and said the prices are beyond ridic. But wait! Theres's more!
I had 3 different ultrasounds. They were all $1200 EACH!!! I thought they were $350ish as per a friend on facebook. Well not at the ER they aint'! The finance lady said if I got them at regular radiology, it would've been a few hundred for each. Goddamnit!
Oh yes... I even got charged for my shitty, cold, turkey sandwich that I requested cuz I was there all day and starving and was told I had to fast before the ultrasound. That was $87. Shit, if you charge me $87 for my dinner, it better be at fucking Jean George in NYC for a 4 course meal, fine wine and decadant dessert! *roll eyes*.
There were other small costs for stupid things and it all added up to $8000. So then they reduced the bill down to $800 and change cuz I'm uninsured. The bills I got said double that though. They said if I do charity care, I pay 20% off the original $8000 cost which would be $1700ish. If I did self pay with no charity care, it'd be left as the $800. But then again if I need to go for anyting else, since I said my issue hasn't gone away, I would need charity care cuz otherwise theyw ant a partial deposit....which after this month's school refund is gone, I wont' have. I decided to leave this instance as a self pay. If I have to get an MRI or CAT scan later I will wait to go to the regular Radiology dept and have THEM do it for cheaper, then try for charity care for them. As long as the rules dont change. I pay 20% based on my unemployment. If I made $200/mo less, I'd be 100% covered. I wish there was a way to bullshit that. There is but its too late. I have no idea what I have to do next but all I know is my debt is steadily climbing due to medical expenses, and that shitty temp insurance I had denying every claim I had basically this past summer.
Next time you or I go to the ER and you're uninsured... remember how much the pee and the IV cost. I know it'll make a huge difference for me. I will refuse alot of things now that I know how much they cost. Cuz the reduced bill I got of $800 might have been even LOWER.
And why will the hospitals reduce the costs down from $8000 to $800 without hesitating? Because most major INSURANCE companies will only pay a MAX of $800 and change. If a person is insured, they'll take the max, and case closed. No add'l money owed. If you are unemployed and uninsured, you can't possibly pay $8000, so they reduce it down to what they would've gotten from the ins company had you had insurance coverage. They would however still take your $8000 if you had it. Crooks!!!! Something to think about there.