So after 2 long years of waiting, I got into the Nursing program at my college. Temping has been challening along with school,and since temping has to come first (for financial reasons), I've dropped alot of classes just so I can have enough brain power to stay awake while driving on the parkway. Cuz I wasn't doing such a good job with that last year.
Financial aid says I have to take 2 classes to keep getting it. I need my fin aid refund check as a safety net in this damn economy, so i signed up for 2, but then I have to drop it soon. Unless I can get into an online course. The nurse course I'm taking is too demanding to take with any other classes if you work full time.
I'm really excited, assuming I pass this program and become a nurse. We did some pharmacology today and dosing. I hate math. But every nurse instructor has said they are horrible at math too. I guess i see a trend. If they can do it, so can I. I just need more time figuring it out. I get the concept. Its not hard. Its figuring where to put things in the equation is my issue. I have all weekend to grill myself tho. Unit 1 test is in a week and a half already. If you fail, you could fail the class. You have 3 math tests seprarately that you have to get a 90 on to pass. I dont think I've EVER gotten a 90 on a math test ever! So this worries me.
I'll be at Riverview Hospital til May 23, and can go any night to practice or work with an instructor who is there during certain hours. There is also math tutoring, which I may have to sign up for, assuming theres time in my schedule to do it.
And at the end of the day, I still do my music. I am ,afterall, an artiste once I enter Casa de Heather. An artiste of many art forms: music, interior design, cosmetology, hair design (learning!), drawing, painting and musical improvisation. This is my EVERYTHING. Its what I LOVE! Its what I don't need money to DO (minus interior design but you can just draw out what you want to convey then). The artiste in me will never leave. And as much as people tell me to quit band for the next 5-6 years while you pursue nursing, I tell them this....
I love what I do. Not many people can s ay that. Too bad I dont get paid for it. But nevertheless I still love it. To become a nurse I have my temp jobs against me, not willing to lighten up the hours, I have less money to pay the out of pocket expenses that drained my credit card last week, i have little free time from working and attending class, driving home from class, cookign dinner, eating dinner, showering,cleaning up a little so I can study (by now its pushing 12). The odds of me becoming a nurse are 1 in 4. Possibly 5. The nurse instructors even tell me that if i have to temp to survive, and you never know what you'll be doing or where you'll be temping and you can't risk losing that job, maybe come back when things get better. But if things got pbetter, I'd probably get a job in marketing or finance again and get a good salary again and say eff this nurse thing. even tho its what I wanted to do.
In the end, whether I pass or fail the nursing curriculum, I will always be...... and will remain until my last breath exits my body..............an artiste!

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