Most of the men like to show off and prove their uber stregnth and yadda yadda yadda (typical males) and try a QUAD in their program, which is 4 revolutions. In the men's program, you are required to do triples. Most can safely land triples. Same in the women's competition.
The past few Olympics, alotta these guys started throwing quads in. If you land a quad, you could win and get extra points. But the problem is..... most of these guys, from Nagano, to Salt Lake City, to Torino to Vancouver now, DO NOT land the quads and DONT even land them in practice.
There were 3 Japanese competitors in these games. All 3 of them tried the quad. NONE of them landed it. I don't remember if Evan Lysacek did a quad. Johnny Weir had a quad Toe Loop (the easiest jump but i think all the guys do this jump as a quad) but Scott Hamilton (Long Time Commentator, Olympic Champion from 1984, professional skater, and Stars on Ice creator) said it was up to his COACH, Galina Zmievskaya whether Johnny would do the quad. Yevgeny Plushenko did it and LANDED it! But... he made alot of mistakes along the way. His jumps were off center and he landed them all but I think he lost points because of the revolutions being off. He probably wouldn't have gotten the Silver Medal if he DIDNT do the quad, so in this case, the quad helped. The others... they should've left it out.
The final standings for the men were: Evan Lysacek - gold, Yevgeny Plushenko - Silver, and Daisuke Takahashi - Bronze.

Yevgeny looks pissed that he didnt' win. He won gold in the LAST olympics in Torino. Daisuke seemed happy about his Bronze medal (thats the spirit!). He even had to stop his program cuz his lace came undone, and he had to fix it and resume in the middle. Kinda like Tonya Harding did in Lillehammer in 1994 if anyone remembers. Yevgeny couldve like pretended he was happy until he got backstage ya know....

Fabulous pose. Johnny weir is gayer than the Gay Pride Parade, but it's all good. You can't NOT like Johnny. He's just so......fab! He is into all things Russian (he may be part russian, not sure), and he seems like a nice guy. He's outspoken, and is himself. Thats why I like him. He doesn't do those pre rehearsed comments like the other skaters do. He says what he thinks. Johnny was gonna retire but decided not to and he made it here. He did not do a quad, his program was great to me, but the judges placed him 5th. Big surprise to me, the audience and the commentators, Scott Hamilton and Peggy Flemming (1968 Olympic Champion).

Here is Evan's coach, Frank Carroll, who also coached Michelle Kwan, the 1998 Olympic Silver Medalist, US Champion, World Champion and 2002 Bronze Olympic Medalist. He barely cracked a smile.
All this talk about men's figure skating just wouldn't be entertaining if we didn't have some pizazz, and flamboyance, right? Well here it is.....
Johnny Weir.... need I say more. lol

Fabulous pose. Johnny weir is gayer than the Gay Pride Parade, but it's all good. You can't NOT like Johnny. He's just so......fab! He is into all things Russian (he may be part russian, not sure), and he seems like a nice guy. He's outspoken, and is himself. Thats why I like him. He doesn't do those pre rehearsed comments like the other skaters do. He says what he thinks. Johnny was gonna retire but decided not to and he made it here. He did not do a quad, his program was great to me, but the judges placed him 5th. Big surprise to me, the audience and the commentators, Scott Hamilton and Peggy Flemming (1968 Olympic Champion).
TRIVIA! Johnny's coach is Galina Zmievskaya who coached 2 Ukrainian Olympic Champions....
Oksana Baiul - Lillehammer 1994 Gold Medalist. (She's still my fave even tho' she's a little weird now)

And Viktor Petrenko - 1992 Albertville Gold Medalist. I used to have a crush on him from like 1992 to I dunno, whenever he stopped skating professionally.Probably late 90s. I saw him with Galina Zmievskaya and Johnny Weir last night and he still looks good. And he's like in his 40s now. Poifect! haha. He's actually not gay (for the ppl who think all male figure skaters are gay). Some are some arent.

And Viktor Petrenko - 1992 Albertville Gold Medalist. I used to have a crush on him from like 1992 to I dunno, whenever he stopped skating professionally.Probably late 90s. I saw him with Galina Zmievskaya and Johnny Weir last night and he still looks good. And he's like in his 40s now. Poifect! haha. He's actually not gay (for the ppl who think all male figure skaters are gay). Some are some arent.
So thats all for my recap/commentary on the men's competition. The women's competition starts Tuesday night (fuck I have band rehearsal!!!!) and has the medal event Thursdsay (fuck I have an Anatomy Lecture!!!!!!!!!!) but hopefully I can get a delayed cast. i know they rerun it at 1am or 2am. For skating, I WILL stay up and watch it.
My fave for the Women's event is actually NOT from the USA. I want Yu Na Kim from South Korea to win. She's been my fave skater recently. Her rivals are Mao Asada, Carolina Kostner, and maybe Rachel Flatt and Marai Nagasu. I'm not sure who else got to the olympics from the other countries yet. I'll see when they show it. Yu Na could take it all. But she has consistancy problems. I'll do a recap of that event too.