Real home, my ass! Their "house" is much bigger and much more fancy than the other houses on the block. IF it were a real house, it looks like it was built on 2 lots instead of one. They'd also have to be pretty rich. Franks Italian parents don't strike me as being rich at all. The house just doesn't belong on that street. Its either digitally added, or there's a facade on the housefront (or two of them made to look like one), and is only used for filming them entering or exiting the house. Inside is obvisouly a sound stage, or a bigger house like on I love Money.
When the skanks.....errr....girls arrived, typical little hoochies, they were brought into a livijng room which was very spacious and obviously created and decorated to LOOK like a typical middle class Queens Italian family home, but was not. Noone's home is THAT spacious, I'm sorry, unless you're the Kardashians but we KNOW they have money!
None of the skanks, errrr girls are really that pretty except a few guidettes, and the blonde chinese girl. Oh and the black girl w/ the long weave. The other black girl that looks like Eve with a Saleisha cut (from America's Next Top Model) doesn't know who Frank is and he called her out on it. The rest are typical dumb bimbos, and that Annie chick (the hippy w/ the flowered stretch pants on is either an idiot, or an actress hired to be the comic relief.) We already know theres a house bitch and a house whore. Lets see what other titles can be assigned!
I can't stand the entertainer. I was never a fan. But his mother is funny. This show is ridic ridic RIDIC!!!!
Will I watch?
You bet'cho ASS! =D
Since when do I NOT watch ridiculous reality shows? Jersey Shore what, WHAT?!
Oh and Celebrity Rehab w/ Dr. Drew starts on Thurs! Kari Ann Peniche's in that too. She's the only reason I watched Sex Rehab. You never know what she's gonna do next. So glad all my shows are back! I am watching the Jackson 5 show too. I love that show. All the brothers are so likeable. I just wanna like.......hang out with them! Anyway, I'll try to write some reviews of other shows as time permits. I'm gonna be temping full time and going to school full time soon. The temp job is only for Jan though. Then back to the job search once again.
Today I gotta go to bed early since I'm going to some Gay Marriage Equality Rally thingy in Trenton. I'm pretty excited cuz I never did one of those before. Never been to my own state's capital. And Its for a cause I believe in. I DO think gay people should be allowed to marry. Why the hell not? Are they committing a crime in doing so? NO! So why should the gov't outlaw it? Boggles the mind,b ut we all know I have issues w/ the government anyway. Speaking of which, my license is expired and driving around here which is swimming w/ cops is difficult. Tuesday I'm gonna head to the DMV to get my new license. I guess I have to get all made up to look "natural' lmao. Sad that you need so much makeup for the natural look. Otherwise you look washed out as most ppl do in their drivers license photo. Mostly just lining the eyes and putting color on your lips and defining eyebrows is enough. I dont' do crazy colors. haha. My hair is darkish so I guess it'll have to do. Who knows what my color will be. I heard the new licenses are supa high tech. I have a new license I got in 2005. I dont know if they were made better recently. I bet theres some kinda tracking chip in them. I dont want ppl to track me!!!! The gov't goes too far sometimes *stomps foot*! Too far. I have no idea what the new license has. Alli know is the under 21 crowd gets a license thats vertical vs our horizontal one. Everyone at school has em. I thought that was new for this state but was told it was just the younguns.
Anyway, I'll try to post about the Gay Marriage Rally thing too. G'noche!
LOL I only caught the last 30 minutes of The basement affiar, but I loved "Will you take this key to my basement" man this shoe is horrible. He was on I Love New York, and She was on Flavor of Love. So he's like a spin off of a spin off. Wow.