Normally, I spend my time working mindless, menial, temp jobs since I still have not found a full time, respectable job in this economy, OR I sit at home watching Rachael Ray, Tyra, random documentaries on the History Channel, Design shows on HGTV (which we no longer get cuz Cablevision doesn't carry them anymore *fumes*, but that, myfriends is another blog), and walk a few miles on the cold windy boardwalk. Fun ain't it? My friend suggested I come to this rally to support gay marriage. Why not? I believe in the cause. I hate the government. Sounds like a plan!
My view on gay marriage is as follows:
For those who say marriage's purpose is to produce children, I say, lots of people don't want to have children or can't have children. So if gay marriage is illegal, then I guess those people who can't or wont reproduce shouldn't marry either. Not even 'shouldn't' , they should be banned. That arguement goes out the window. Yes its true only a man and woman can naturally create a child, but we're not talking about that. We're talking about the act of marriage itself. Gay couples are living together, adopting, they're generally (in my experience but I lived in NYC for much of my adult life) accepted by society now, compared to years before. Why not make it legal? Why not allow benefits for a GUY and his HUSBAND? The benefits don't state that the spouse HAS to be of the opposite sex. But hopefully they wont' change that. This is 2010 people! we dont' live in George Washington's time, and we're not all bible toting holy rollers either! And there WERE priests, pastors, reverends and rabbis IN SUPPORT of gay marriage, and some of them were straight. How is it gonna affect YOU personally if Jane and Stacy get married, or Tom and Bill? How will YOUR life change? It won't. You can think its not "God's way" That's fine. I'm not one to force my beliefs on other people. But you can't PREVENT people from doing things (that don't affect you) just because YOU don't like it. I don't like when people sleep around, have 4 kids by 4 baby daddies, get on welfare that my taxes pay for, and I can't get gov't assistance when I lose my job and need help. But am I gonna make it illegal for people to have kids out of wedlock? lol NO. Cuz that's a small minority. Most of the ppl who have kids out of wedlock DON'T affect me and take very good care of their kids. Back to gay marriage tho'.... The government has no right to tell people how to live their lives. They make laws to better this state/country (or they are supposed to anyway...) but telling Mike and Scott they can't marry cuz they're two men is not their business. Not every religious head has to marry those couples. There will be plenty of people who WILL marry them. If you are a good Christian (most of them aren't anyway cuz they're hipocrites who preach and then sin in another way lol), and you really ARE following your faith, live your good Christian life and believe what you believe, and let these people be happy and have the same oppt'ies you have. If you're just closed minded, same to you. Let them be happy. You don't have to agree. But don't block a civil right just cuz you don't like it. I don't like when people marry for money or convenience either. But do I think it should be blocked? No. Its not my PROBLEM! Gay marriage when its approved, cuz I know it will be, will probably far surpass our own marriage success rate of 40%. Just watch.
No, I'm not gay, but I have met lots of gay people in my life and they deserve the same rights as anyone else. We're supposed to move forward in the present, not move backwards.
The hardest part was getting up at 5:30am. Well, so I thought. Actually Sunday never ended for me, since when I tried to go to bed at midnight, it just didn't happen. I tossed, I turned, I thought, and thought and thought. I always think about my future and what I can do to prevent it from going into total ruin. Needless to say I didn't sleep at all. Not a wink. It was a long, frustrating night. So getting up at 5:30 am wasn't so bad since I didn't actually get "up". I merely got out of BED. My body was tired, definitely but what can I do? I didn't want to back out and spend another day HERE. So I got in the shower, washed my hair, put on layers of clothes and went to Trenton. Luckally my friend was driving. She slept 2hrs versus my zero so.... Yeah. Got Dunkin Donuts and were off. I never have been to Trenton before either and I've lived in NJ for all but 7 years of my life. It wasn't all that actually. *shrug*
We got to the Capitol area, got lost, walked in the freezing cold and found the rest of the people. We got free tshirts, donuts and coffee (though I passed on the donuts and coffee). We went inside to watch an assembly take place, but the gay marrage bill wasn't on their agenda. But I heard everyone else's stories (most of them were gay and lesbian) about them wanting to get married and needing the health benfits (don't we all!). I had trouble staying awake during the assembly. It was on tv too. Ugh! I hope they didn't show me!After that we got a note saying there was pizza across the street! Yay carbs! Yay energy! Yay soda! I went to pee and my friend came out and then when we got outside, they directed us to another building for a press conference (outside. we were told we wouldn't be outside). Wha....? What about the pizza?! I saw people across the street stuffing the pizza in their mouths and guzzling pepsis before running over. DAMMIT!!!
The press conf was long, cold, but for a good cause. Alot of people spoke. The head of it was a gay jew with an equality yamaka, and a female jew cantor also wearing a sparkly yamaka (i didn't know the girls wore them). There were clergy people, Catholic priests, southern reverends, pastors, and a black preacher (woooohooo!). He made a good point saying that in the 60s and before, blacks and whites couldn't marry because the govt said THAT wasn't a marriage. Gay and lesbian couples spoke and told their stories while the cameras rolled.

Then, we marched back to the Senate/Capitol thingy and had to stand in the hallway to catch senators and congressmen and assembly people as they went to their meetings. I wasn't gonna talk to any of them. I had nothing to say that was any different. The other people did. A group of lesbians desended on a senator and got in his face and showed him alls orts of documents (I couldn't see what htey were) and were really giving it to him. He responded by rudely saying "I gotta go!" and ran away. Lots of the workers were for gay marriage tho', and wore pins stating so.
I was getting hungry and needed carbs or caffeine or something. I went to the cafe and got a balsamic chicken wrap and a soda. The cafe was way underground through a labrynth of basement hallways. On the way back up, I got in the elevator and our Governor himself, Jon Corzine came into the car. He was joking with a female staffer because she had a dollar sticking out of her purse and he said don't leave this here for him to take. She responded with "hahahaha oh Governor, you're SOOO funny *forced laugh*" Really, lady, why not ask him to bend over so you can plant a big smoocharoo on his ASS. *roll eyes* I came back to find out we were going back outside. We did, then went into the senate building, then back to the capitol, then out to a fountain for a send off by the Garden State Equality People.
I was glad I went. It was a good experience. I really hope they pass this bill for their sake. I really want them to be able to marry too and I'm really disappointed and disgusted by the government the way they treat people and try to run their lives. The government is supposed to make laws and maintain order. That's it. On the way out, we saw some protesters in front of the building where our rally was held. They were none other than....

HASIDIC JEWS!!!!! Lmao!!! They turn up in the damndest places, don't they? They shun our world, think everyone is dirty, and unkosher,or whatever, then they come here to lobby against gay marriage. I read that hasidic jewish marriages aren't recognized by the state either so... you'd think they'd know how that feels. Again, if thats against their religion, fine. Any gay members can just LEAVE the community and make a new life. You'll never change the holy rollers be they Christian, Catholic or Jewish, so let them be. They shouldn't get involved in something that doesn't concern them at all.

The Jews protesting. The Star Ledger said they were Rabbis from Lakewood and Borough Park Brooklyn. Why am I not surprised?

Me and my friend in the senate building. Probably never gonna get to go in there again!
We drove the long drive home, went to the unemployment office (not for me this time), and I got home. My apt was FREEZING (its usually really hot but I dont' know what happened). I watched Tyra (yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and the news and my usual reality trash. It was a good day. I was happy I participated in this, and I will continue to support it for my gay friends' rights.