I'm not a Libra though but I DO wanna shed this extra poundage I've gained over the past two years. I was never a twig...I was more the athletic body type..but w/ boobs and an ass =/. I look at pics of myself prior to Xmas of 2006 and that's the me I remember. THIS me, I don't know. I'm so sick of all this excess fat. I can't believe I let myself go so far. Alot of it is from stress of a relationship, and then coupled w/ unemployment related stress. But mostly the relationship!! Although I was the one eating my sorrows away and drugging myself with sleeping pills so I wasn 't awake and miserable. That combo has gotten me to the weight I'm at now.
I know its gonna take a long time to lose, since it took 2 plus year to gain. But I def wanna start. I love food and I love to cook! But I just have to eat smaller portions of the shit i like and walk and ice skate more! Ice skating is what I <3.
When I lived in NYC I had a scale in my hallway leading to the bathroom and I weighed myself everyday. I always knew where I was weight wise. I gained 15 lbs during my 21st yr and my 23rd year but quickly lost it.
When I left NY I apparently lost the scale or something and never weighed myself. I wore the same size for years and went up to the next size. I was on the borderline for it anyway. I knew I gained weight but realized that since I was still that same size I must be within reason. It wasn't til iwent to a friends house and weighed myself and saw that I weighed over 200lbs that I was like oh shit. I am tall so it doesn't LOOK like I weight over 200 but I do =(.
So today after I got my smally teeny tiny temp check of $176 (woohoo *roll eyes*) I went to Target to get a scale. I got a cool modern looking one. (ok there WERE cheaper ones, but you know me!) and it has alotta cool features for the price. I went to the Dr today due to mysterious stomach pain (still no answers but gonna go for tests), and i weighed 5lbs less than i did last time. I just ate too. I have been eating less, lots of granola bars (which might be th cause of my stomach pain it turns out) and I'm really gonna commit myself to losing this weight so I can be back to the athletic type physique I had before. I used to have skinny arms that bothered me. Now my chunky arms bother me! lol I'd rather have skinny arms! So am working on that.
I ate my dinner and am craving ice cream. But I'm too lazy to go get it. *good*. Its nice out and might go for a boardwalk stroll later tonight too. At least I can say I'm down 5lbs. Its a start! But I have a longggg way to go.
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