Jermaine singing "Smile", Michaels "fave song". I know Michael used to randomly sing it in vids of him walking around and stuff. So maybe it really is. Despite him messing up the worlds, "light up your face w/ sadness, hide every trace of gladness..." (was supposed to be gladness, then sadness, but it's aight, we wuv you J'maine!) just the fact that he had the courage and the composure to even attempt to sing was admireable. I'm sure Michael would've appreciated Jermaine's tribute if he were here to see it.
Then of course, his daughter, Paris... never heard the girl speak before. She's always wearing a mask. She only said one sentence, really, but now she's on the cover of every paper today. Sadly, these kids will be mobbed from here on out. Their faces are now known. They're the only thing left of the King of Pop. And his two boys DO look like him... Paris, not really but Blanket has Michael's face. Look at him and tell me that's not his fucking kid!

Ursher sang and ppl criticized him saying they didn't think the sentiment was real. Well, only he knows for sure but being that Usher immitated Michael soooooo much, and how Usher declined to sing in the tribute til the last min, I think he felt something. It musta been hard to sing "Gone Too Soon" and walk down to Michael's casket like that. I don't know how anyone could keep it together.
The only one who really did was, well, Joe Jackson. Big surprise there... Joe was probably out to make some kinda deal on the rights to this special, altho' I must confess, I'd order a copy. This is def something I'd wanna have since I don't have a DVR. Joe seemed to be on a powertrip and even tried to rock a fedora. Sorry, Joe, no points with me....
After a virtually sleepless night, watching the trib, and thinking about it, and a few other things in my life lately, I struggled thru my temp assignment, trying to keep my eyes open. I had a concert tonight but decided to skip it. Even tho' as we speak its 10:15 and I'm still not in bed, I think that I made the right choice. I'll be laying down shortly....I hope.

Tonight I got thai food and had 2 glasses of wine to chill. Shoulda taken a sleeping pill but honestly all this talk about drugs, and MJ, made me think that maybe I should lay off that shit. Even tho' I only take sleeping pills maybe 3x a month but... I'd rather have the wine tonight, instead. On the way to and from Sea Girt, to get the thai food, I did a mini concert of Heal the World. haha.
Now I'm watching Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, and gonna clean up, inflate my houseguest's air mattress and hope that I sleep for a decent amt of hours tonight. I can't WAIT for the weekend so I can kayak again! I'm addicted. I need a pump tho' to get excess agua outta the boat. In the ocean alotta splashes get in the boat and I don't want my $500 investment to sink to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. More worried about that than anything else. I can swim... And swim I always do in these greenish NJ Waters.
I'm out.
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