So, once again, Congress denied Unemployment Benefits, as they do 2 or 3 times a year. Causing severe anxiety to unemployed workers wondering how they're going to pay their rent/mortgage, feed themselves and their families, and dare I say it... pay a bill or two. Maybe even a cell phone so they can get calls and make calls about JOBS. Well alot of people in the next coming weeks will be at the Department of Social Services applying for Welfare.
If you didn't know, Welfare for a single person with no kids is $140 a month. Not a week, but a month. What the hell are you gonna do with that? I guess that may be just enough to pay a cell phone and put some gas in your car. Anything else you need? Well you're shit out of luck.
How will these people eat and get medical care? They will be on Food Stamps and Medicaid, which is GOVERNMENT FUNDED. Welfare is also Government funded. So is housing assistance, which will be paying for shelter for those with children and a few lucky single people.
So if your arguement is to say that you're reducing the national debt, you're wrong. You're just moving it elsewhere. Yeah, its a lower rate than what the people were getting on Unemployment, but all the billions of dollars from unemployment checks that people were spending on gas, and groceries, clothes, lunch at the corner cafe will be gone. Those people who are now on welfare, waiting to get on welfare, or who don't qualify but are still not getting enough money will not spend anything because they can't. So watch the corner cafe go out of business, supermarkets cut staff's hours because they're not bringing in enough money to pay them because of a record amt of people on food stamps. Its all a downward spiral.

They think that if you extend UE, we won't look for work. I still will. I want to make money. I want to live comfortably. I'll do whatever I neeed to do to enjoy life, and collecting UE doesn't cut it. I draw from other incomes to be able to socialize, go on trips, or get takeout some nights after class lets out. Not everyone is so lucky , or as driven as I am.
Something tells me that if you had a $50,000 job, and now you collect $300/week on unemployment when you used to make , oh lets say $800/wk before, that you're gonna do everything you can to make more than your UE is for.
But you're forgetting one statistic, that there aren't enough jobs in EXISTANCE to accomodate the 10% of the population who are unemployed. If UE is cut, we all just won't scurry around and get a job. There won't be enough. I get asked all the time "why don't you just get a job?!" Well bitch, its because there aren't any! I apply to entry level shit jobs on a regular basis. I get no callbacks. If I do, I get rejected because I'm overqualified. All I've done is temp. Thats all I can find. Some people can't find that. Its just htat I've basically become a career temp now (as much as I hate to say that) and I have connections. Even with those connections, I haven't 'temped in almost a month. I've been calling and calling, and noone has work. Any real jobs I apply for are a lower level position, which Unemployent tells me I have to apply to, and I do, but I get rejected. At this point I would work a low level job. I know whatever I end up doing will be comprable to what I did when I was 20yrs old, with no experience when I moved to NYC. But will anyone hire me knowing that if something higher paying comes along I'll jump at it? No, I don't tell them that, but they know. We'd all do that. Why would you work for $20k, when you used to work for $50k?

All the people who tell me to just "get a job" as if they're out there dangling on trees, and to Congress who think we're all a bunch of people leeching off the Government, just remember....

I'll say what I've been saying for years. End the war in Afghanistan. (What the hell are we fighting for, again?!) Use the money you're spending on the war to extend Unemployment. Let those people take care of their own. If you didn't find Bin Laden yet, you ain't gonna find him any time soon!

I'll say what I've been saying for years. End the war in Afghanistan. (What the hell are we fighting for, again?!) Use the money you're spending on the war to extend Unemployment. Let those people take care of their own. If you didn't find Bin Laden yet, you ain't gonna find him any time soon!
STOP WORRYING ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE'S PROBLEMS AND CONCENTRATE ON OUR OWN! We can't afford to 'help' other countries. We need to help ourselves right now! Accept it, and take action!
End Rant -