But the downside is that we are in the middle of a 2 week (or more?) long heat wave with temperatures regularly in the mid to high 90s with high humidity, and the nights in the low 90s or upper 80s. I've barely turned off my AC the past few weeks. I love playing in the concerts, but playing in 94 degrees with 100% humidity is as close to hell as you're gonna get.
I feel like the more I drink, the faster I sweat it all out. Maybe I shouldn't drink? Then I won't sweat? Yeah but then I'll dehydrate and end up with an IV in my arm like many times before. I seem to dehydrate faster than the average person. I know once I lose my voice, I better start chugging a gallon of water, STAT!
The band plays a large variety of songs, and I really like the selection (usually). The problem is that alot of these pieces have been played for years, and the people know them well (even the difficult ones). I have only been in the band 3yrs, and I'm not as seasoned as the rest of them. I have one day to learn a song. its frustrating that sometimes fast 16th note passages can't be played up to speed when most of the others can do it. I consider myself a decent player, but in a day I can't work up to the level everyone else is at. Not all the songs have fast 16th note runs though. But usually the ones that do are my favorite. I love difficult pieces! But yeah, only one day to learn it can get a little frustrating is. The good thing is, I copy the hard pieces that i like to put in my music collection so I CAN learn them for the future. So when the songs repeat, I'll know the songs just as well as the other people.
I started writing out some music, which I haven't done since I was a teenager, and now I remember why! Its soooooo tedious. I have no patience and when I think that the famous composers like Mozart and Beethoven wrote 100s of symphonies, I think they mustve had no social life and been recluses or something (probably were). I do not like writing music! I would rather buy the piece online. Problem is, most of the songs I want to do for youtube aren't available. Soooooo, I got thru some of Cab Driver, by Daryl Hall. Its easy and it repeats alot, so once i write the verse, chorus and bridge, I'm done. It leaves room for improvisation. Now will I have the time to perform these songs? The temp job has great acoustics! My apartment does NOT. I dont know where I can really play these things. I also can't find my tripod. I think it might be in my car though. I'll have to dig thru the beach shit to see if its in there.
This blog is really random. I felt like writing one but its very uninteresting, talking about summer band, which most people dont' even know that I do this, and don't give a shit (which is why noone comes to see me play). But WHATEVS!
I finally got paid after going almost 5 days with no money, eating whatever edible crap I have left at home, eating once at the temp assignment, and rehearsing out in the sweltering heat. My check didn't get accepted in the ATM, of course,so I had to deposit with a teller. The ATM gives me cash asap. The teller deposits don't. Luckally my stimulus check was accepted by the ATM and I got $25 whole dollars to eat with. Spent 7. Will get gas. I have so many things to do now and I'm waiting for one more check tomorrow.
Oil Change, gas, eye exam, 2 cavities filled, new box of contact lenses, bills, AC fee, groceries, car wash (my car is so filthy its ridic), season beach pass, kayak paddle leash, big dry bag, flare for the ocean, and pay XM radio. I'm sure thers more. And I'm sure I'll be broke again by Sat. Ah the life of an unemployed person! Still pushing on looking for a job. Nothing but temp jobs out there tho'. Thats what I do now. Temp. i'm so sick of temping. But that helps me survive, so...
Oh, so after band theres fireworks. I really am not into them. Everyone else stars at them in wonder. They're not that impressive to me. They do them all the time at the shore. I watch them from my Bathroom (best seat in the house, not cuz i'm always in there! but because thats where you can see them from ). I just got in the car (i drove cuz i came straight from running errands to band and sat outside in the sauna .....er.... boardwalk), and drove straight home and went straight into a cold shower. I feel much better now and I really hope that this heat wave shit is almost over. I like the nights when we play and its like 73 and breezy since we play right by the ocean. But the nights lately are 93 and humid stagnant air.
Now I'm looking for some trashy reality show to watch to amuse myself before bed time. I'm pretty hyped up (always am at this time of nite esp if I'm out doing something), so sleeping is gonna be difficult. Ireally wish I had a job that goes with my nocturnal nature. I can sleep FINE during the day! Its getting to bed bfore midnight thats the problem.
Ok this was an uneventful blog. I got it out of my system. I dont knwo why I'm even gonna post it on facebook.... but. Maybe someone'll be bored and read it, as I was bored in writing it. *shrug*.